Gail Kim on Sexy Star and Rosemary Triple Mania fiasco: “I hope that Sexy Star learns her lesson”

Updated: October 13, 2017

It might seem like forever in pro wrestling but it really wasn’t all that long ago when Sexy Starshot on Rosemary at TripleMania. It legitimately hurt Rosemary but more importantly sparked an important discussion within the pro wrestling community. Everyone seemed to band together around the idea of the trust a wrestler needs to be given in the ring and how that trust should never be broken.

Gail Kim is a Knockouts legend at this point and an Impact Wrestling Hall Of Famer. She recently spoke to Riju at Sportskeeda about the Rosemary and Sexy Star ordeal, after all, she knows Rosemary quite well.

“Rosemary, I love her. Number one, I think she’s just well rounded in every way. She’s polished in her character, her promo work, her in-ring work. She’s just very good. I love that she’s different.”

“With regard to what happened with her and Sexy Star, whether it’s her…it could be anyone, a male wrestler or a female wrestler, that’s just something you don’t do. A well known unwritten law. You need to take care of your partner in the ring and trust one another because we literally put our lives in each other’s hands.”

“You know, you have to be trained, and you have to be smart and you have to be careful. I hope that Sexy Star learns her lesson. I don’t know what’s going on with her right now but I lost a lot of respect for her.”

A lot of people lost respect with Sexy Star and let’s hope she does learn from this egregious mistake if she’s ever given another chance, which is liable to happen because the pro wrestling business just loves a good comeback story.