Kohei Uchimura got a Bad Start at Rio Olympic….Because of Pokemon GO

Updated: August 4, 2016

Kohei Uchimura, Japan’s talented Gymnast who will have the opportunity to become the first gymnast in more than 40 years to successfully defend the men’s all-around title later this month.

But before Olympic started, Kohei Uchimura has been received a devastating news…because of Pokemon GO.

Persuaded by his team mate, Uchimura downloaded the game upon his arrival  for Japan’s pre-Olympics training camp in Sao Paulo, and was shocked by the latest phone bill.

“500,000 yen (RM 20,000),” said the embarrassed Uchimura , who has won six successive world all-around championships.

Team mate Kenzo Shirai added: “He looked dead at the team meal that day.”

To make things worse, the game isn’t even officially launched at Brazil yet, hence Uchimura didn’t even find a single Pokemon in Sao Paulo.

But he did get some good news from home, with his mobile phone company deciding to waive most of their charges, because of his standing in the country, after he explained his genuine mistake.

“I really lucked out,” he added.