Olympic Village Deemed “Unsanitary” by Belarus

Updated: July 27, 2016

As the opening of Rio Olympic closing in,  first batch of athletes have arrived at the Olympic Village!

Australia team arrived first! And they refused to stay in Olympic Village…

Belarus team arrived a day after! And they deemed the village unsanitary, almost instantly….

Belarus athletes complained about having no hot water, only sometimes cold water, and a failing sewage system.

This follows with picture posted on website, and Belarus Olympic Committee says “there remains much for the Rio organizing committee to do so that the living conditions meet sanitary requirements.”

Australia’s athletes refused to move into the village on Sunday, with delegation head Kitty Chiller saying water leaks and electrical problems had “endangered” athletes.

However, Chiller since said she expects the Australians to move in Wednesday, after having paid for hotel accommodation for athletes and cleaning services.